About Me

My name is Joyce and right now, I live in England. I am doing an MA in Film Distribution and Marketing, so for me, watching way too much TV and going to the cinema twice a week is called studying (I know, right?!) and hopefully, that will one day be part of my job. 

I am originally from Germany, but a pretty serious travel bug lives in my pants, which means staying in my hometown for longer than necessary hasn't crossed my mind a lot.

Loves Harry Potter, traveling, films, New York, french fries, writing lists, going to the movies, dresses, food and going out ♥

When I first moved to the UK, I was looking for any kind of information about studying abroad and I would have loved to stumble upon a blog like mine is today. Full of random diary entries, with tips and tricks on how to move/study/live abroad/UK/USA. I did obviously manage on my own, but who doesn't appreciate a little help along the way?
This is what I want to offer.

What is joyce goes?
This whole blogging thing started when I went to New York for a year. After high school I just had to take this gap year and I am so glad I did because it changed my life forever; Coming back to Germany afterwards to my old life was tough though- It just didn't feel right anymore.
2011 I got accepted at university in Edinburgh and it felt like a dream come true. Move out and just move to a completely new and different country was so exciting. 
So this blog adventure started and it changed from being in German to being written in English- which just feels so right anything else feels wrong. Hopefully someone will find this blog and find it helpful- either because they want to study in the UK, do Camp America or study abroad (because that's what I have always been looking for).

This blog is really about everything I see, eat or think about.
Films, traveling, music, my obsession with America, living in Edinburgh/Birmingham or in the UK in general, food and other shenanigans. I often write with tongue-in-cheek but be assured that I am pretty honest about everything. Whatever product or film or website I write about, I mean what I say.

I hope you enjoy reading this little blog and maybe even leave a comment somewhere


  1. hey :) Du warst doch im Camp America oder? Kannst du mir vielleicht sagen, wann das war, ich würde gerne die Blogeinträge lesen!

    Vielleicht meldest du dich mal bei mir. Liebe grüße Anne

  2. ja ich war dort im sommer 2012 :) ich hab auch die einträge mit camp jeweils getagged, falls du danach auch suchen willst. :)

  3. Hola Joyce :) Weil mir Dein Blog immernoch so gut gefällt wollte ich Dir den "Liebsten Blog Award" http://kroepfli.wordpress.com/2014/05/21/liebster-blog-award/ weiterreichen... Liebe Grüße, die Julia (haha, sehr formell ;) )

  4. Hi Joyce, I am Shaunak from Mumbai, India. Just happened to visit this blog page and then went on read quite a few of your articles.Found it amazing, really. There's so much to explore, should try this ASAP, I guess. So, a quick congratulatory greetings to you and continue to write on even more interesting things & places.
