Sunday, 24 May 2015

YouTube catch up

In these past weeks, I have watched all five seasons of Pretty Little Liars. Now I have to wait 9 days for the next season to start and I am not looking forward to waiting a whole week for the next episode. Urgh. In the meanwhile, I am exploring all the fun things that YouTube has to offer and that I have missed during my PLL binge watching (cause I seriously did nothing else).

Here are my favorites:

Everyone has probably already seen this, but I just can't get over how funny the editing is. I love it.

I mean really anything out of this series (guys acting like...) is hilarious and so awkward cause its true. There, I said it.

I know this film came out ages ago, but it really was bad (sorry Channing) and these honest trailers just nail it. Also I finally understand the plot, thanks to this video.

Aaaah I love the original and this cover is amazing too. 


  1. Buzzfeed has some funny stuff & obviously, it's funnier when it's relatable. Love the roommate video. :]

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  2. Buzzfeed has some funny stuff & obviously, it's funnier when it's relatable. Love the roommate video. :]

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