Tuesday, 30 April 2013


Happy Days!

I should be studying big time at the moment, but I am giddy with joy-
my birthday this year was gonna be a bit annoying: I would have loved to have a big party here in Edinburgh, but everyone is practically gone.
So birthday at home with parents it is. And now Miriam is coming as well!
Could not be more happy about that.

Also I booked my little Germany trip. Marburg first, visiting Anna. Then all the way down to Bavaria, where Julia lives. Back up to Hannover for a quick stop to visit my sister and then back home. So excited! I should really see more of Germany instead of going abroad.

Cannot wait for Thursday when the exam is over and I am freeee!

Saturday, 27 April 2013

April {It is spring, finally!}


from the top:
Margaux sticking her hand in to our massive Nutella glas/ Starbucks reward/ homemade smoothies/ I love the app Urbandaddy!
super nice day in Edinburgh/ waiting at the Cameo/ new shoes!/ massive moon/ 
girls at the park/ xx/ Finlay drawing Batman/ nomnom dinner
Frozen yoghurt I/ and II/ Mona and Margaux/ Vanilla Coke is back!

Today was such a nice day and so we walked to Frisky on Lothian Road and got super yummy frozen yoghurt, sat in the park and enjoyed the sun. I am actually really sad that I am gonna be leaving in a bit over a week- everyone else is still here and a lot of the others are not done with their exams. Feels so weird- and I am gonna miss my flatmates so much! Being in the flat all by myself in the summer is going to be so strange.

Friday, 26 April 2013

On campus vs. off campus housing {living in Austin?}

via flickr

On Monday, we had a meeting about our exchange. We got the meet everyone who is going abroad next year, who is going to the same uni as us and also meet the people already on exchange who came to QMU! First of all, I met the girl who is going to Texas with me. And she is German. How weird is that? Then, we got to talk to the two girls who are from St. Edwards but currently at my uni. They are super lovely and I have no clue why I ever worried about not being catholic (St. Edwards is a private catholic university). They took all my worries away that I had and I am so so so excited for the weather, the food, Austin and everything!!!
However, there is the issue with accommodation.
Of course there is on campus housing, meaning you live in a dorm, share your room (ugh) and your bathroom (urghsghsgh) and everything.  
And yes, I have prejudices. It is just that mostly freshmen live on campus and I am going to be 23 when I am there, not 19 anymore. It also costs around 700$, which is so expensive! 
The girls I met recommended us to live on campus, just because it is easier and all the internationals live there. MH

Then there is off campus housing. 
My idea is to live in walking distance to campus, have my own room and pay less than 700 bucks a month.

But what if am totally excluded from stuff going on, what if I am not going to find anything short term, what if I am just being difficult with not wanting to live on campus?
It is just for 4-5 months. 
Last year, I have shared a cabin with a girl all summer long. I survived.
But do I want to do that in Texas?
I don't know.


Sunday, 21 April 2013

my four favorite German words

Schloss Neuschwanstein
via flickr
1. Heimat

2. Glückseligkeit

3. Freudentränen

4. Feierabend

My four favorite German words- seems like there is theme?

Oh and I decided to visit Julia in May, so Joyce goes Bavaria, or even better: Allgäu!
I am so excited!

Friday, 12 April 2013

Sleep Talk App

via Itunes
I have had a fair share of people telling me that I talk in my sleep. It was probably 'worst' during camp, when I woke up my poor Ukranian roommate during the night because I was screaming like I was getting stabbed. And that happened almost every night. Usually I know where my dreams are coming from, stuff I just saw or though of.. But that screaming scared me, mostly because I ever remembered what I was dreaming about and just in general, I felt just fine and comepletly happy! I even looked it up online and the condition is called 'night terrors' and there is no treatment for it.  Oh well.
It went on all summer, and there was that one time when I told her to look at the window, because "there was someone" (how creepy to say that when we are in a cabin in the woods in the middle of nowhere-I feel so sorry for her haha, I would have peed my pants if someone told me that at night). The highlight was probably in New York, when Georgie and I were in a hostel and I woke everyone up in the middle of the night because I was screaming for help, thinking I was stuck...

Anyways, I always wanted to hear what I said in my sleep and of course there is an app for that.
I love this app, it records your jibberjabber during the night and lets you listen to it the next day and even save the interesting bits. It records everything above a certain sound level and while there is a lot of tossing and turning and pillow noise, you can clearly hear yourself talk when you sleep. It is amazing and so creepy, seriously.
While some of my babbling is so strange I don't even know what language it is, there is some identifiable swearing in English going on haha.
My other favorites of my sleep talking:

  • Ich möchte eben umdekorieren, aber das umdekorieren nervt mich eben (hahah well I know where that is coming from!)
  • I know, I am sorry.... It's okay ... (apparently I have schizophrenic tendencies)
  • ooaah ihgitt (haha and the way I said it- full of disgust :D)
  • I... hate.....bubum... 
  • F*cking hell

The best thing about the app is that you can share it with other app users and there are rankings of the best sleep talks haha, you can even pick all the different countries! Now there is a lot of farting going on, but very scary stuff as well. I can't compete with that at all!

Now I think the app was 69p, but that was definitely worth it!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

summer plans II {summer in Scotland}

via x
I think I have mentioned this before, but I will spend my summer in Scotland. No uni, just... being here, working and tying to have fun. I am scared to be honest! I feel a lot of pressure haha-
Even though the summer plans are still veeery lose, I have a certain idea of what I want to do.

My summer starts 2nd of May basically, after my exam.Then I will have four days to party hard and pack up my things to go to Germany for a month. Jeeez, one month seems forever taken that I don't work or have anything to do. I reeeally want to go to Paris, so we will see how that turns out.

In June I will celebrate my birthday (probably in Germany) and then fly back to Edinburgh. From the 19th June the Edinburgh Film Festival is taking place here in town and I hopefully will have the chance to volunteer. Fingers crossed for that.

July is completely open. I want to travel but that means money- duuh. So no cluue about that. My hostmom said she wants to visit with the kids, but I am not sure if that will happen.

August is going to be biiiig. Fringe Festival. The largest art festival in the woooorld. In Edinburgh. I applied to volunteer and one company has invited me for an interview (exciiiting). I really hope that works out, otherwise August will be only meh.

In general I plan on maybe having couchsurfers over so I won't be all alone in the flat (Mona and Margaux are gone, basically the whole summer). I hope I won't have to work too much at the call centre- I would rather be outsiiiide or doing something.. else. Haha
Oh and also I "swapped" my Robbie Williams ticket- instead of going in Hannover at the end of July I will go in Glasgow at the end of June. It was too much hassle going back and forth, especially if I am going to volunteer at the Festival. I am a bit sad but that also means I will see Robbie a bit earlier.
(if you wanna buy my ticket for Hannover on Ebay, click here!)

Imagine Dragons Concert {Glasgow 2013}

My last proper concert is aaaaages ago, probably in like 2009? My priorities shifted so much these last years and I think I just forgot how much fun concerts are.
This gig was definately a first in terms of newcomer bands. I have never seen a band being so overwhelmed by everything and so appreciative of their fans in such a genuine way- "I have no idea how you even know who we are" - it was so sweet to see them at the beginning of their career, because I am pretty sure we will never be able to see them in such a small venue and only pay 11 quid for a ticket. Sad in a way, but it felt pretty cool to be part of this.

There is no feeling that can compare when they play the song you love so much. Your whole body is itching to dance and your face is covered in the biggest grin- And I only know this band for like 4 months.  So I have a feeling that Robbie Williams is seriously going to make me cry (or sob)... oh man, at least I am going by myself haha

Friday, 5 April 2013

last week... {easter break!}

from left to right:
shooting julias birthday film/ caro/ birthday girl/ hallway decoration/ spring nailpolish
my super clean bathroom/ picking up my best friend/ easter brunch/ bacon/ brunch time!
julias amazing cake/ shopping/ mcflurry/ eggs and soldiers for breakfast
hollister/ girls night out/ sunny day/ steffi and me/ carlton hill
ice creeeam!/ north berwick/ beach time/ us again/ train station

This last week I was off from uni and of course, EASTER! Steffi came to visit me and we were really lucky with the weather, so we were just walking around Edinburgh, eating and shopping (what else is there?).The week went by so quickly and now she is gone already :(

Before endless uni work is starting, I have one more fun day. We are going to Glasgow tomorrow to see Imagine Dragons live! I am suuper excited, haven't been to a concert in forever!!!!!