Sunday, 25 August 2013

my travel preparations {New York tips}

1. What are we gonna do when we are there?  
Here is my collection of New York guides from other bloggers and I have yet to figure out how to fit in all these amazing restaurant tips without spending all my money within the first days. Any other tips?

✈ Les Mads
✈ Anne loves Food
✈ WishWishWish
✈ Niotillfem
✈ Oh the happy sinner

2. Spotify playlist

Our road trip playlist, full of songs from our last trip, weird old songs and amazing new ones. Cannot wait to listen to them in the car!

3. Plane entertainment
via x
I am flying to New York with Virgin Airlines and I am so excited because I love their on board entertainment system! Nevertheless there are times when I just can't stare at the screen anymore, so I need to sort out my Kindle with some new summer readings.


  1. Ich lese solche Posts total gerne. Finde es immer interessant, wie andere ihre Reise vorbereiten :) Eine Playlist erstellen wir uns vorher auch immer :D

  2. und vergiss nicht deinen eigenen guide, den du damals für Simon und mich gemacht hast! ;)

  3. Danke für die verlinkung!:) Ich wünsche dir ganz viel Spaß in New York! Was du auf keinen Fall verpassen darfst: 230 fifth bar& highlinepark:-)
    Liebe Grüße Nadja
